Jury Consulting Services
The perfect argument means nothing if your jury doesn’t resonate.
Jury Selection and Voir Dire are two of the most critical aspects of the outcome of a trial. Potential jurors may have strong individual biases that could significantly sway their judgment and ultimately the verdict. Using our process developed over 30 years, we help you sift through each juror, selecting (and de-selecting) with informed discernment.
Jury Research
Learn everything about your jury pool through our comprehensive background research and evaluation prior to jury selection.
Jury Selection and Voir Dire
Create jury charting, prepare voir dire, and attend and assist with jury selection.
Shadow Juries
Utilize qualified citizens who attend and observe the trial for the purpose of providing daily strategic insight to counsel.
Trial Monitoring and Reporting
With a jury consultant in the courtroom, gather daily information, feedback, and recommendations as the trial progresses.
Post-Trial Interviews
Planning to retry? Have similar cases or issues in future trials? We can assist with creating follow-up questions and conducting juror interviews.
Nationwide Service
In-Person or Virtual
Jury Research and Evaluation
Don’t go into jury selection unprepared. Decisions Won conducts a thorough background investigation of your actual jury panel to determine each juror’s character and influences. Investigation may include:
Social media platforms;
Web search using multiple search engines;
Newspaper articles written by or that mention juror;
Property records search; and
Voting records (state dependent).
After conducting these investigations, a comprehensive assessment and evaluation of each juror is conducted. Taking into account the specifics of the case (including issues and facts surrounding the case, parties and attorneys involved, key witnesses and evidence, and jury backgrounds and profiles), we gain an overarching grasp of the makeup of the jury panel.
Great for:
Understanding each juror’s background and potential influence on deliberation.
Discerning each juror’s leadership potential.
Analyzing the overall makeup of your jury panel.
Jury Selection and Voir Dire
Since jury selection is one of the most vital elements of case strategy, Decisions Won has an effective plan and strategy for evaluating, de-selecting, and selecting the strongest jury for your case.
After conducting the preliminary jury research and evaluation outlined above, it’s important to create a detailed chart to track all findings. The jury chart is designed to keep track of the order drawn, strikes, and cause challenges.
Part of the jury de-selection process involves drafting voir dire questions to eliminate unfavorable jurors. Questions are based on the specific facts and evidence in the case. Throughout the entire process, we will observe and note juror responses (including their answers to questions, body language, and ability or inability to communicate comfortably) in order to modify original ratings and evaluations of jurors. Because final jury selection moves quickly and can feel like a chess game, our ability to foresee strikes from the opposition, as well as to prevent their knowledge of any favorable jurors, is critical.
Great for:
A clear, evidence-based strategy for “de-selecting” unfavorable jurors.
Jury charting to stay on track with strikes and cause challenges.
A plan to avoid exposing favorable jurors to the opposition.
Assistance throughout the entire “chess game” of jury selection.
Shadow Juries
Decisions Won can utilize shadow juries to simulate deliberations and gain relevant, useful insights. We will seat a group of qualified citizens who mirror the jury in demographics and background to attend and observe the trial from a lay person’s perspective. We provide a moderator to guide shadow jurors throughout the day and to conduct nightly debriefings. We then provide their feedback to counsel each day for better strategic analysis as the trial unfolds. Jurors are never told who they are working for to maintain objectivity.
Great for:
Feedback about evidence, arguments, and witness testimony in near real-time.
Increased ability to make adaptive, strategic decisions and changes during trial.
Increased ability to make informed decisions about exposure and potential damage awards during trial based on near real-time information.
Trial Monitoring and Reporting
Having a senior jury consultant physically present during the trial offers crucial insight into how your witnesses, litigants, and themes are being perceived by the jurors. If strategic adjustments are necessary, our trial monitoring and reporting system is the means to identify and implement those adjustments. The experts on our team will prepare daily reports, including feedback and recommendations, to guide the next steps of your case and improve your team’s performance.
Great for:
Daily summarized details of the trial proceedings.
Daily strategic feedback and recommendations.
Suggestions for improving your team’s performance.
Post-Trial Juror Interviews
If a case may be retried, if you may try other cases for the same client, or if you have other similar cases, post-trial interviews are extremely helpful. After the conclusion of a trial, Decisions Won can assist with developing appropriate questions and conducting telephone, mail, or in-person interviews of the jury based on the specific details of your trial.
Great for:
Understanding what happened in deliberations, including possible juror misconduct.
Record of jurors’ understanding (or lack thereof) of major issues in the case.
Analysis of the efficacy of each party’s trial themes in helping jurors come to a verdict.
Record of jurors’ perception of the presentation styles of attorneys and/or witnesses.
In the case of an unfavorable verdict, a record of what would have helped jurors reach a favorable verdict.